Pregnant Vegetables

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Posted by Katie

You may have heard the old adage that if you crack open an egg and there is a double yolk, that you or someone you love is pregnant. Well, I had a twist on that this weekend. Dad was staying with Matt and I and I decided to make Parma Rosa Pasta. I usually put a variety of veggies in it and opted for zucchini, yellow squash and red pepper. Well, much to my surprise, when I cut open the pepper, there was a green pepper growing inside. At first I jumped when I saw the bright green color because I thought it was a worm. I guess we can surmise, if you cut open a veggie with another veggie growing inside, you are pregnant.

In other news, we are going to be fostering 3 shelti/terrier mix puppies that the Newport Police Dept found. If nobody took them, they were going to be dumped at the local shelter and given about a week to live. Matt contacted me and and arranged for us to get them into HART. They are super cute. I better go buy some paper towels so the piddle wars can begin.


Project Man said...

I like the redesign of your blog. The puppies are so cute. I wish they could have arrived when I was there so I could enjoy them....

Candy said...

Per my professional experience, this appears to be a singleton pregnancy, ethnenticity to be determined..........