10 Things Expected of Dispatchers...

Monday, March 20, 2006
Posted by Matt

As a 9-1-1 dispatcher, I am expected...
1) To be a timestamp for my police officers.
2) To be a timestamp for my firefighters.
3) To be a timestamp when crazy people call 911 to ask the time.
**Although there are 4 computer screens at my station...the time on each one of them is off the next one by at least 3 minutes.
4) To have my window to the world open at all times for my police officers.
5) To have my window to the world open at all times for my firefighters.
**The dispatch center is not, nor will it ever be, equipped with a window to the world. In fact, we don't even have a window to the outside.
6) To talk on the phones, 911 and administrative.
7) To talk on the radio, sometimes on different channels at the same time.
8) To handle administrative duties that are assigned to me.
**As much as I am able to "multitask", I am unable to perform all three of these tasks simultaneously. That means even if you think that you are a priority you may not be. This goes for officers, people who know officers, judges, people who know judges, chiefs, mayors, etc.
9) To maintain a professional tone and demeanor at all times when speaking with the public.
10) To maintain a professional tone and demeanor at all times when speaking with police officers and firefighters.
**I am very happy they can't hear what I say when the phone is hung up or the radio is clicked off.


Katie said...

Baby, you are my "window" to all the crazies in the world...I'm just glad the window closes.