Last call of the night...

Monday, February 20, 2006
Posted by Matt

Here is how the call went...

(Me) "Campbell County 9-1-1, where is your emergency?"
(Caller) "Yes sir, my father died, and I live at 4345 Indian Lick Trace." (Street name changed to protect the innocent)
(Long pause...)
(Me) "Oh...this just happened?"
(Caller) "Yeah"

Well, usually something like "my father died" is the introduction to a long-winded story about how his brother is trying to take his dead father's car and the estate hasn't been divided out according to the will yet and he wants to know what he can do about it. I was waiting for the rest of the story when it suddenly occured to me that "oh, that's it".

May not seem funny to some, may even seem morbid, but that's what happens sometimes.


Project Man said...

So Matt ~ you don't follow-up with something like.........was it natural, prolonged illness, murder, suicide....etc?

kevin said...

I totally understand. We get CRAZY-long stories at work all the time. And they like to come in at the end of our day. Usually the only thing I need to know is the last part, but I get it all anyway. I think they try to come to the bank before they call 911. Or sometimes after...

Project Man said...

Kevin ~ speaking of weird situations....... what ever happened with the girl who got her finger caught in the teller drawer at the drive-thru?

kevin said...

I haven't heard anything from her, knock on wood..