You better not pout, I'm telling you why...

Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted by Katie

...Santa Claus is coming to town!

Casey visited Santa last night at the mall. We waited over an hour in line which was a treat. Fortunately we weren't corralled in and Matt was able to take Casey on some quick laps while this pregnant lady held our place in line.

Casey liked looking at Santa. Every time we pointed at Santa while we were in line, he would say "ho ho ho." But, when it came time to take a seat on Santa's lap, Casey was thinking differently about the man in red. In an attempt to distract him from tears I said, "Casey, can you tell me what Santa says?" In his weepiest, saddest, cry voice, he replied, "ho, ho, ho" while pointing a little finger at Ole' St. Nick! It took everything in me not to laugh at him cause it was so darn cute.

Somehow the 18 year old miracle worker who was manning the camera managed to get a shot where he wasn't full out crying with a face full of tears.

Merry Christmas!


sarah said...

Sounds like the quintessential 2-year-old visit to Santa to me. I wish I could have seen him say his weepy "ho, ho, ho!"

Unknown said...

What a cute photo! Merry Christmas!

Candy said...

That little red face is just too cute. He is trying so !

Candy said...

Trying so hard to be brave!

Susan said...

We got Katie to sit on Ho Ho's lap when she was Libby's age and when she was a tad younger than Casey. Ever since, she won't go NEAR the guy. I will be curious to see if Casey will sit on his lap next year. Maybe you can play the "Big Bro" card and convince him to show Baby Girl Hulme the ropes...? :-)

Kathy said...

How cute Katie. Hope you and your family have a great and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Katie said...

Susan - thanks for the suggestion. I will have to remember that for next year. He will have to be brave for the new baby and cousin Libby!