Casey's Sick

Thursday, April 03, 2008
Posted by Katie

Casey has had a runny nose for 2 days and been a little cranky. But, he's teething again so I didn't think much of it. This morning he was especially cranky but I took him to swimming class anyway. Our class was only 7 weeks in duration and we missed 3 classes this session as it is. At swim class he rubbed his eyes a lot and was clingier than usual but still seemed fine.

I brought him home, put him to bed for a nap, and 25 minutes later he woke up wailing. He was so snotty and congested and coughing so hard he was having a hard time catching his breath. It sounded like there was in injured seal in his throat. On top of it all, my usually go-with-the-flow baby was inconsoleable.

I panicked a little, called my step-mom (who is a nurse and doesn't reccomend going to the dr unless it seems really necessary) and when she heard him she told me to take him to the ER or urgent care.

I called the dr becuase that office is closer to my house than the ER or urgent care and they told me to come right in. The dr was in the room about 20 seconds and heard him cough once and said he DEFINITELY has croup. Becuase he was having daytime issues (and croup is a mostly nighttime illness) she went ahead and gave him a steroid (prednisone). She also found that he has a mild ear infection as well. He just now went down for a nap again at 5:30 at night when his usual bedtime is 6:30. We shall see what the night will hold for us.

Here is a picture of Casey looking out the door at Valentine and crying.


Anonymous said...

Maddie had croup last month. The steroids seemed to help.... Feel better Casey!
Melissa & Maddie

Susan said...

Poor little guy (and poor mom--that's stressful!)... I hope he is feeling better soon.

Candy said...

I am glad he is better today, hopefully you will have a better night and get some sleep.
Kisses to Casey & mommy too.

Kathy said...

Happy FIRST Birthday CASEY!!

Keith & Kathy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Casey!!!
Maddie & Melissa

kevin said...