September Recap

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Posted by Katie

I've been really lonely lately without Matt here. Most people encourage me to go out and keep busy to keep my mind off of him. Unfortunately, that just makes me tired and lonely. That being said, I did have a pretty eventful month.

First off, Casey and I went to the zoo with Art and Pam for an Army Reserve Family Day. We had a lot of fun. Casey was a real trooper and even tried cotton candy for the first time. Below are some of my favorite pictures of the animals.

Next, I'm super addicted to a website for people with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). One of my "friends" on the site recently moved to our area from Oklahoma. Her husband is in the military and got stationed at Wright Pat. She has a son that is a few months older than Casey, so we got the boys together for a shopping outing at Jeffersonville Outlet Malls. It was so nice to get out of the house with another mom and just talk, talk, talk...ok, and we did a little shopping and eating too. Here are some pictures of us.

Towards the end of the month, Sarah, Casey and I flew down to visit Uncle Mark in Florida for a long weekend. He graciously offered to fly us down and let us stay in his master suite at his house. It was so nice to get away. Plus, we got to drive down to Bradenton and see Grandma Marie and Uncle Dave too. Casey took his first visit to the beach. He didn't love the water...I think it startled him as it came up on him. Sarah got some good photos anyway. We also visited the Florida Aquarium. It was fun, but we went through it pretty quickly. Mostly we relaxed, hung out, ate good food, and shared good conversation. There are a bunch of pictures, but here are a choice few.

Finally, Pam's sister, Denise, came down to visit Art and Pam. We spent a couple hours with her one afternoon. I don't have any pictures to post, but it was nice seeing her. Casey met 3 great uncles/aunts within 1 week. Hopefully Pam will post some pictures soon on Hulmeville Buzz.


Unknown said...

Great pics Katie! You guys have been busy. Melissa said Maddie had a great time with Casey the other day. Love the pictures of him on the beach.

Project Man said...

Nice recap Katie! Also, it was sure nice of Uncle Mark to share his home with you and Sarah in Florida.

I am glad that Uncle Dave and Grandma Marie were able to go to lunch with you. I talked to them and they had a great time.

Try not to be too lonely. We all love you and know what you are going through. We will be there soon and then you can get sick of us and send us home.

Love you and Casey Lee!

Tricia said...

ABOUT time for an update...I like how your father in law and Casey are classified as "animals" in the favorite animal pics from the zoo :) Love the beach pics...the one on the blanket is too my favorite....cute, cute!!

Candy said...

Hey Casey, we will be seeing you soon!
Can't wait to babysit while your mommy and Pap are at the football game! We will have fun, just me and you. Oh, and Molly, Valentine, Lucy and Ringo.

Anonymous said...

cute cute pictures!!! :) looks like a fun time! sure wish we could've met up though... then it would have REALLY been a fun time! hee/hee j/k
